A one-of-a-kind experience, with access to Schools, Artists, Musicians, Ballet figures and dance schools, Sports figures, Artisans, a cigar plantation, rum factory and much more.
Cuba: The Ultimate People to People Experience
In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on and claimed the island now occupied by Cuba, for the Kingdom of Spain. Amid the warm crystalline waters of the sparkling Caribbean, over 500 years of roller-coaster history have conspired to create one of Latin America’s most electric and culturally unique societies. ‘Habana is very much like a rose,’ said Fico Fellove in the movie The Lost City, ‘it has petals and it has thorns…so it depends on how you grab it. But in the end it always grabs you.’
You will have the opportunity to explore and photograph the neighborhoods of Havana and Trinidad, and to engage in person-to-person activities with Cubans and their everyday life. Meet with Cuban historians, teachers, artists, musicians, naturalists, and others, and experience this fast-changing island nation through their eyes. Your cameras will record the warm vibrant people of this rapidly changing Caribbean nation. You will bring their lives, occupations and homes into today’s focus. Your experiences will be unique and you will be fascinated by the authenticity of each and every day.
Join the Palm Beach Photographic Centre with its Master Photographer Vincent Versace to lead you into modern day Cuba.