3:00 pm
Virtual – Embracing the Moving Image for Still Photographers with John Reuter
Nearly every digital still camera produced today has extraordinary video capabilities that would have been only available on professional cinema cameras several years ago. From the pioneering Canon 5D Mkii from a decade ago to the latest phones from Apple and Android the moving image is something available to all image makers. Many phones offer limited editing programs to quickly trim your videos and upload them to social media sites. If you are taken by these possibilities, you eventually will want to utilize a program that can offer you more control over the editing process. While there are many capable editors from Apple, Blackmagic and Sony we are choosing Adobe’s Premiere Pro, primarily because of its cross-platform performance and tight integration to Adobe’s Creative Suite, namely Audition, After Effects, Media Composer and even Photoshop. Many of us are familiar and comfortable with the Adobe interface which will aid in learning the program. In this three-hour seminar I will introduce you to Premiere Pro, detailing the multiple processing modules such as Assembly, Editing, Color, Graphics and Export. The beauty of Premiere is that it can seamlessly handle footage from high end cinema cameras, DSLRs, mirrorless cameras and your phone, all on the same timeline. I will demonstrate how best to set up your project in Premiere for efficiency and how to
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